GO Ecommerce 2025 – Israel’s eCommerce Summit
David InterContinental Tel Aviv

Reserve a Space
Where Key Decision Makers Do Business
Sponsorship Opportunities
Get premium exposure to over 1,000 ecommerce experts, managers and decision makers in the eCommerce field
excellent opportunity to create business relationships and receive leads from a segmented audience
that is the stamp of your target audience
Generate new sales leads, establish new channel partnerships, and increase brand awareness for your business
Build and develop your database
Deliver additional value through in-booth client consultations and education
Stay competitive and exhibit with the best in the industry
Additional benefits for joining the Summit :
Preliminary publications for 70,000 businesses
xposure to 1,500 businesses on the day of the conference
The conference receives a massive PR
Content Tracks
eBrands |
Personalization Smart Tools | Logistics & International Operation |
† Launching an online brands † Optimize a store in † Found your loss money † Omni-Channel † Exit Yours brands † Finance Solutions
† Optimization † Personalization † Increasing † Marketing † Content † UI & |
† Last mile delivery † Cross † Logistics † † †
Presentation format: Case Study / Best Practice only, subject to final approval of the advisory board

DIAMOND (3 companies max)
† Video and photo coverage
† Promotional materials in attendee bags
† Electronic newsletter to attendees after summit
† Branding opportunity including production
† 15min. lecture in the morning assembly
† Participation in one of the panel discussions
† Enlarged exhibition space (4X4)
† Largest logo in publications
† Participation in the summit’s video coverage
† PR and promotion

† Video and photo coverage
† Promotional materials in attendee bags
† Electronic newsletter to attendees after summit † 10%discount on branding opportunities (*see details below)
† 15min. lecture in a main assembly
† Participation in one of the panel discussions
† Enlarged exhibition space (2X6 / 4X4)
† Enlarged logo in publications
† and

† Promotional materials in attendee bags
† Electronic newsletter to attendees after summit
† 15min.lecture in one of the tracks
† Standard exhibition space (2X3)
† Logo placed in publications

† Promotional materials in attendee bags
† Electronic newsletter to attendees after summit
† Standard exhibition space (2X3)
† Logo placed in publications

† Promotional materials in attendee bags
† Electronic newsletter to attendees after summit
† Exhibition booth (1X2) in the Innovation Zone
† Logo placed in publications